Nordic Championship 2025

DATE: 14 June 2025

LOCATION: Partillebohallen, Partille

It's time for the first-ever Nordic Championship! A contest where each country's fastest puzzlers compete against one another for the title of the best in the Nordics. It's time to crown the top Nordic puzzle nation!

Competitions will be held in three categories, individual, pairs, and teams, where puzzles will be completed against the clock. The rules are simple: the fastest puzzler wins!



Each of the Nordic countries will have right to the same amount of tables in the Championship as follows:

  • Individual Competition: 25 tables per country
  • Pairs Competition: 15 tables per country

  • Team Competition: 10 tables per country

Participants cannot register directly for the championship. Each national assosiation appoints its own national teams and fills its allocated places in the competition.

The deadline for the national assosiations to register participants is one week prior to the competition.

Tables not filled by the designated country will remain empty and will not be reallocated to other countries.


The Country that has the overall best preformance in the competitio will be anounced "Best Country"!
They will be taking home the traveling troppy, which they will hold intill the next Nordic Championship.


  • A maximum of 125 participants will compete in the final.
  • Each participant will assemble a 500-piece puzzle within a time limit of 75 minutes.
  • The winner will be the participant who completes the final puzzle in the shortest time.
  • If no participant manages to finish the puzzle within the time limit, the winner will be the one with the most correctly assembled pieces.


No changes to pair members will be allowed during the competition. 

  • A maximum of 75 pairs will compete in the final.
  • Each pair will assemble a 500-piece puzzle within a time limit of 60 minutes.
  • The winner will be the pair who completes the final puzzle in the shortest time.
  • If no pair manages to finish the puzzle within the time limit, the winner will be the pair with the most correctly assembled pieces.


Teams must consist of a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 4 members.

No changes to team members will be allowed during the competition.

  • 1A maximum of 50 teams will compete in the final.
  • Each team will assemble a 1000-piece puzzle within a time limit of 90 minutes.
  • The winner will be the team who completes the final puzzle in the shortest time.
  • If no team manages to finish the puzzle within the time limit, the winner will be the team with the most correctly assembled pieces.

Competition Schedule

Saturday,  June 14

9:30 - Individual Final
11:15 - Pairs Final 
14:00 - Teams Final

15:30 - Award ceremony, Teams




Gamla Kronvägen 68

 433 33 Partille

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